Halloween is so much more than just a sheet with holes in it and trick or treating! It seems like every year there are more new Halloween traditions, events, decorations and recipes to try out. One tradition that has come about in the last few years is a Boo Basket!

What is a Boo Basket?
Boo baskets are a fun way to give a gift to someone for Halloween! They’re typically similar to an Easter basket, but can be customized to fit any needs. A basket (or bag, candy bucket, anything else that holds things) is filled with Halloween-themed goodies and gifted to the recipient. It started out as something you leave as a surprise on a porch (think Valentine’s Day secret admirer), but you can also send it in the mail, or hand it to the recipient personally. However you get it to them, if it’s a Halloween basket, it’s a Boo Basket!
Boo Baskets are also a great way to celebrate the holiday with kids in your life who are a little too old for the traditional holiday festivities like trick or treating. Your college student would love to get a surprise Boo Basket care package! Your teenage kids would love to have a Boo Basket waiting for them in their car when they leave for school that morning. There are so many fun ways to give a Boo Basket, it feels a little more “grown up” for your older kids but still connects to the nostalgia of the holiday.

What is a boo basket for adults?
Just what it sounds like! Adults like presents just as much as kids (let’s be honest, sometimes more). And it’s even more special when it’s unexpected! An adult Halloween Basket is just the thing to make a friend, significant other, or family member feel loved while getting to channel the excitement of Halloween that can sometimes fade away with adulthood.
What do you put in a Boo Basket?
A Halloween basket for kids is pretty easy to come up with goodies to include, but a Halloween basket for adults is a bit trickier! Here are some of our favorite Boo Basket ideas:
Everyone loves treats - include classic Halloween candy, grab some Halloween cookies from a bakery or (if you’re really wanting something special), make your own Halloween goodies!

A Brighter Year Mini Halloween Coloring Book
Perfect for boo baskets for all ages, they will love these cute, simple Halloween coloring pages. Each one takes 3-5 minutes and is the perfect way to unwind after watching a scary movie or when you've had way too much candy. More of a sticker person? We also have two sets of color your own stickers (Regular and Spooky).

Markers or Colored Pencils
You can't gift a coloring book without something to color with! We love these travel color pencils and markers, or you can grab a pack at a local store.

A scary or spooky movie
Not everyone loves a horror film, but luckily there are plenty of Halloween films out there no matter what level of spooky you can handle. Here are some suggestions (but we can't be held responsible if you still get scared!)
- Creepy/spooky - Nightmare Before Christmas, Coraline, Monster House, Hocus Pocus, The Addams Family
- Mildly Scary - M3GAN, The Craft, Sleepy Hollow, Ghostbusters
- Very scary - The Conjuring, Insidious, The Strangers, The Blair Witch Project
A cozy blanket
What is a “night in” without a cozy blanket?! If you want to splurge, Barefoot Dreams is always a great option. We also love Turkish cotton blankets from InfuseZen!

A fall candle
What makes a home feel more like fall than a candle? Nothing! We suggest selecting a candle made with clean ingredients like one from Brennan Candle Co's Fall Collection!

There are countless other items you could include in a Boo Basket (a mug, gift cards, lip balm, jewelry), but we think keeping it relatively simple is the way to go!
That’s it! Don’t overthink it. And don’t feel like you have to make one *every* year, sometimes I think people get roped into “traditions” when it doesn’t have to be one (Elf on a Shelf, am I right parents?) Try it out, see if you like it, and give a Boo Basket when it feels right!