Meet Shanti
The hands, head, and heart behind A Brighter Year
Coloring has been one of my favorite activities for as long as I can remember. As a kid, I loved cruising the aisles of stores in search for a new coloring book. Endless hours were spent coloring in the car, backyard, kitchen table and even on the living room floor. I cherished the days of a fresh box of crayons. The smell, the pointy tips, the well-organized rows of colors... perfection!
As I grew older and adult responsibilities took over, I never could find the time to dedicate to a coloring book — despite needing the break more than ever. I would occasionally sneak in 10–15 minutes to color with my kids, but I often felt defeated by large pages of adult coloring books that I never had the time to finish.
This is the exact reason that A Brighter Year Coloring Books were created! Three to five minutes of coloring each day is the perfect way to relax and unwind. When you’re done, you’ll feel accomplished, creative and refreshed!
I hope you enjoy these bite-sized coloring moments as much as I do!